Fetish Eva Room

Nurse Eva prépare la canule gonflable qu'elle va utiliser.P1080554.JPGP1080561.JPG

Mer 20 mar 2013 4 commentaires

Love your uniform and cap, that enema nozzle looks very scary and especially since you can pump it up and he looks like he is in for a fun time....thanks for sharing Nurse Eva!.

buffalo - le 20/03/2013 à 09h49

Vite la suite !!!

stephport - le 20/03/2013 à 12h17

Very nice, the nozzle looks very erotic.  Would like to have one like it used on me, thank you for posting the picture.

larry - le 20/03/2013 à 14h39

J'aime aussi cette petite apréhension lors des préparatifs, et particulièrement en voyant la canule arriver... Ca semble si gros !

Que du bonheur !

bbMichel - le 20/03/2013 à 22h45